Importar Mosa patterns



Import Mosa Pattern

File > Import

A Mosa tile pattern can be customized and imported into Vectorworks as a Renderworks texture, an image file, and/or a 2D hatch. Many of the textures have the color and bump shaders needed for a Renderworks texture.

When additional information is available in the Mosa resource, this information is added as a searchable tag in the Resource Manager for the imported resource. The information may include:

Pattern code

Mosa tile article code and percentage used

Tile thickness

Joint color

URL to open the pattern product web browser

An internet connection is required to import Mosa tile patterns.

To import a Mosa tile pattern as a Renderworks texture, an image file, and/or a 2D hatch:

Select the command.

The Import Mosa Pattern web browser opens.

Search for a tile pattern to import, and click to select it.

The pattern opens in the Import Mosa Pattern web browser. If desired, customize the pattern.

Vectorworks provides access to low-detail patterns. Log in to your free Mosa account to import high-detail, medium-detail, or customized patterns.

If you customize a pattern in Mosa, you must save it before importing it into Vectorworks.

Click Import.

The Import Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Select detail level for the resources

Select the detail level for the tile patterns: high, medium, or low

Import Mosa Pattern as

Select one or more kinds of resources to import:

Renderworks texture


Hatch: specify the hatch attributes

Close the dialog box after the pattern downloads

Deselect to keep the Import Mosa Pattern web browser open after download to import additional resources

Select the settings and click OK.

If Close the dialog box after the pattern downloads is deselected, click Close after you have imported all the resources needed.

The textures/images/hatches downloaded are available in the Resource Manager for the current file. Suffixes on the file names indicate the resource type:

RT: Renderworks texture

IF: image fill

HF: hatch fill

The last resource downloaded is active.

Imported textures, images, and hatches can be adjusted as needed. See Creación de texturas nuevas, Importing image files, Image effects, and Cómo definir y editar achurados.


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